Sunday, December 13, 2009


For the first time in over 9 years of driving a bus, I got stuck!

I was driving the 18 northbound and pulled into the bus stop at 38th street. I was talking to another driver I had picked up who had just been relieved and was on his way back to the garage. When I pulled into the bus stop, I knew I was in trouble. I had forgotten how slippery this particular stop had gotten. The snow was mushy and there was ice under it. I didn't pull all the way into the bus stop. We aren't supposed to on snowy days. That's how we get stuck!! I had a woman earlier that got mad at me because I didn't pull up to the curb. I tried to explain that we aren't supposed to because we get stuck there. I wish she had been on my stuck bus!

Just after I pulled into the stop, I told the other driver I thought I messed up. I told him I almost got stuck here last trip. Sure enough, I tried to pull out and the back tires started spinning. The rear of the bus slid toward the curb. I tried to go back and forth and it was getting worse instead of better. I called for them to come pull me out.

All my passengers got on the next bus. Of course, the driver had to give me a hard time. The driver after him laughed at me too. It's a rookie mistake and one I didn't even make as a rookie!! It took nearly half an hour for the truck to come pull me out. The garage is only 6 blocks from there, but I'm sure they were busy that day! In fact, one of the guys told me I was the 2nd bus to get stuck in that bus stop! There's a clue...bring the plow truck and some salt/sand!!

Anyway, I'm still dealing with the harassment from my co workers. It's all in fun. I am making a mental note of who's messing with me...winter has just started. They could be next!!


Blogger Madrias said...

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10:23 PM  
Blogger Madrias said...

Seems like they need a bag of what I call "Slick Remover". Rock salt, sand, and wood shavings. Works like a charm on our driveway, and can be tossed under tires for emergencies due to the sand and sawdust.

10:23 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I was stuck on Maryland and Hazelwood.. All the years I have driven commercial I never got stuck.. Christmas Eve I got stuck..LOL

1:27 PM  
Blogger Jeanne Ree said...

Madrias - There's just no storage space on the bus to put anything like that. Would be nice!

Jane - Good, I'm not the only one! Just kind of sucks when your coworkers spot you and mess with you about it. I'm sure most have been stuck at one time or another!

6:28 PM  
Blogger Martini said...

So far....(knock on wood) in my 10 1/2 yrs of driving I can honestly say I have not gotten stuck. I've slid backwards down a hill and fish tailed a bit here and there but never actually got stuck to the point of needing the shop tow truck to come out and rescue me. Excuse my french here but...screw the customers when it comes to busses sliding and getting stuck.

You just keep right on staying AWAY from the curb and make them come out to you. Enough said!

6:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's embarrassing.
I almost got stuck on the hill between Lyndale and Hennepin driving the 2 line. Took me about 10 minutes of back and forth to work my way out of an inch of slush.

I really like the hybrids in the snow -- they seem to go through just about anything. But last year in a snowstorm I almost got stuck at MCTC at 16th & Hennepin going north. I didn't realize the plow had only made one pass and left a lane of backwash at the stop. Kept my wheels straight and made it out, but on my next trip south I noticed another bus had gotten stuck at that stop.

When I got back to the garage Kenny, a long time veteran, was loudly complaining about getting stuck. I had to ask, "Was that you at MCTC?" He said he thought it was o.k. to stop there because he saw tracks going into the bus stop. I couldn't help myself. I told him I set a trap for him and he fell right into it. After some mock outrage, I had to admit that I almost got stuck too.

6:43 PM  
Blogger Jeanne Ree said...

Martini - Keep braggin'...your turn will come!

Anon - I don't like the retarder in the hybrids when it's slippery. Some kick in too hard. Other than that, they seem to do fine in winter. Kenny just wanted a break...if it's who I'm thinking, his daily layovers are longer than most of us get in a week!

9:58 PM  

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