Saturday, August 30, 2008


I was driving the 6 route recently. I was pulling into downtown Minneapolis getting ready to do the 1 AM line up. ( Line up = All the buses from different routes sit within a two block area for about 10 minutes so people can transfer buses. This is done at midnight, 1 and 2 AM because there are fewer buses running these late hours and it makes it easier for people to transfer from one route to another. Fantastic idea, in my opinion.)

As I pulled into downtown, I smelled the very strong odor of a magic marker. I looked in the mirror to see who may be leaving graffiti on the bus. No one really jumped out at me as the culprit. I pulled into the line up and parked my bus. Everyone got of. Curiosity got the best of me so I went to find any fresh graffiti. Sure enough, there was some on the wall by the very rear seat. The guy that had been sitting there was a mid-20's white guy who had put his bike on the rack on the front of the bus. He even asked me if there would be a route 5 bus in the line up before he got off the bus. Nice guy, actually.

I don't discriminate. Nice guy or not, he was goin' down! I called the Control Center and told them about the graffiti and gave an excellent description of the guy. I even told them what bus he was looking for. Seeing as the transit cops are there for the line up, I just knew he was going to get caught. Not to mention I had a newer camera system in that bus... 5 digital cameras and 2 microphones.

I stepped out to talk to another driver and told him what was going on. I noticed a transit cop sitting in his car across the street. I just knew, any second, he'd be arresting the guy. Didn't happen. After the line up was done and I was back on my route Control called. They said the police didn't have a chance to come to my bus during the line up so the bus should be pulled directly into the shop when I pulled in (so that they could get pictures of the graffiti). I asked if they caught the guy and they said they hadn't. I was so disappointed!

When I pulled in that night, the officer was waiting at the garage. He took the pictures and got the info he needed. I told him I'd keep an eye out for the guy, but that I do all different routes so I'd be lucky to spot him. Regardless, we do have him on camera caught in the act. I'm sure eventually, he'll be caught. I wonder how much that'll cost him!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep us posted. I'll bet a bus pass y'all don't catch the guy. Not because he isn't catchable, but because no one's going to put out the effort for a tagger with all the other stuff going on. It's why people always get away with the little stuff.

7:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey red, I was only at the fair because i was in hastings for a state softball toury. thats why i was there. I know who i'm talking to. lol lol (o)(o). but good luck on getting this guy and i'll talk with you later.

5:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


March on 1 Sept. against the RNC.
Power to the Power !



4:40 AM  
Blogger Jeanne Ree said...

Anon - I'd keep u posted, but we drivers never hear anything once the incident is over. Even the guy I pepper sprayed...I never knew he was caught later until I asked a transit cop who happened to be familiar with the situation. We never hear what happened. That's kind of a bummer.

Purse - Youz a bad boy...those little drawings could match any of the 4 members of Hecklers Row...but I AM the only redhead so I guess U do remember which one I am. Let us know if you are ever in town.

12:33 PM  

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