Saturday, December 01, 2007


I give other drivers their vacations. I like the variety in the work...different routes and schedules all the time. Sometimes, the regular driver is a hard act to follow. Recently, I gave a guy his vacation and his riders talked about him every day. They told me what a funny guy he was and how he always got them to the train on time. I saw that as a hint...and a get them to the train on time. I managed to do it all week. There was one day with extra heavy traffic that caused me to be a little behind schedule. I flew to the train and got there just as it was pulling up. I dropped the people off a few yards away from the regular stop just so they could make it onto the train. They were grateful.

Last week, the passengers on the the route I was doing were quieter. By Wednesday, they seemed genuinely happy to see me pull up. I assumed it was because it was chilly outside. When Friday came, they were thanking me and asking me if I was their new driver. I explained that I was giving their regular driver a vacation. This older ladys' face just fell. She said she wanted me to be her driver because I got them to the bus lineup on time every day. Then another guy chirped in telling me that he always misses his connecting bus when the regular guy drives. I apologized and told them this was my last day on this route and maybe they should talk to their regular driver. I felt bad for them as they got off the bus. They seemed quite distressed that I wasn't going to be their driver. However, it did explain why they had become nicer with every day of the week!


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