Thursday, June 19, 2014


Hello to all my totally neglected Blog Readers! Glad you are still here. This isn't going to be my normal sarcastic or funny blog. Sorry to say, my book is coming along VERY slowly. Just thought I'd touch base with you and let you know some exciting news.

I am proud to inform you that I am officially the FIRST female driver in our company history to win my way to the State Bus Roadeo Competition! Woot, Woot! The Roadeo is basically a VERY tight obstacle course competition that started back in the 1970's. First place winner goes to International Competition and Second and Third place winners go on to the State Competition. I came in 3rd, missing 2nd by only 9 points. Especially frustrating is knowing I hit a 10 point cone that I NEVER hit. If I had missed it, like I normally do, I could have come in 2nd. Grrrrrrrr. The guy that won 2nd places in the top 3 nearly every year. Would have LOVED to beat him!

Channel 4 did a very entertaining story last September. They came on one of the practice days and I watched Jamie Yuccas drive the course. It was funny as hell. I give her a lot of credit for getting behind the big wheel and giving it a try. When they aired the story, they mentioned they would do a follow-up story about the winners. Well, me being me, I couldn't help but contact Jamie Yuccas and remind her and let her know history was made. She's been in touch and it appears they may actually have me on the news! (Gimme another Woot, Woot!)

Needless to say, I'm pretty excited. Both for the possible 15 seconds of fame AND the State Competition next month. I will keep you informed.

Now that I woke you all up, I bet you want more posts on my blog.   ; )


Anonymous James said...

Congrats to my sister for this great achievement. In case you missed the video:

9:01 AM  
Blogger Jeanne Ree said...

Thanks, big brother. : )

4:11 AM  
Blogger Thomas Kent said...

Way to go, Jeanne! Haven't heard from you on Blogger or Twitter in a long time. Glad to see you back!

4:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well,well we all do something in the game of life.


6:37 PM  

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